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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.5] Comparative Analysis of Sharing Economy Certification System in Korea and Japan : Focusing on Collaborative Governance
논문투고자 Do-Yong Choi
논문내용 In the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the advancement of IT technology has brought significant attention to the sharing economy. Notably, South Korea's Seoul and Japan are the only regions in the world aiming to promote the sharing economy by utilizing a unique sharing enterprise certification system. In comparison to Japan, our neighboring country, efforts have been made to find areas for improvement and policy insights for enhancing the sharing economy through the sharing enterprise certification system. This analysis is based on the success conditions of collaborative governance, including initial conditions, institutional design, promotive leadership, and the requirements of cooperative systems. The policy proposals suggested in this paper are as follows: First, in order to realize sharing based on the concept of the commons, it is essential to establish regional-level sharing networks to create sharing communities. Second, for a sharing enterprise to be selected, it must adhere to fundamental principles and service rules, and ongoing monitoring, alongside the establishment of performance metrics and institutional enhancements, should continue even after certification. Third, it is advisable to designate a department exclusively dedicated to the sharing economy, along with an overall responsible person. Fourth, in addition to online platforms like "Sharing Hub," offline cooperation, including conferences, is required. Furthermore, regular citizen surveys are essential to assess the effectiveness for policy beneficiaries. Additionally, the "Sharing Promotion Committee" should expand its role beyond certifying companies to include operational functions.
   18-5-17.pdf (905.2K) [2] DATE : 2023-11-01 10:36:50