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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.4] Design and Build a Smart Factory to Improve Productivity
논문투고자 Dong-hyuk Kim, Hyun-jn Byun
논문내용 With As a result of the recent activation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the adoption of smart factories has led companies to achieve significant successes in enhancing productivity and delivering high-quality services to their customers. These smart factories promptly respond to customers' customized production demands in real-time, accelerating the automation of manufacturing processes to establish a more efficient production environment. Before the implementation of smart factories, there were issues related to inefficiencies in existing operational procedures. These problems included the manual delivery of work orders for over 300 daily orders and job requests due to outdated practices. Moreover, the lack of real-time communication between the work site and order requests led to challenges with cancellations, changes, and additional requirements, resulting in material losses and decreased productivity due to extra work processes. To address these issues, the company introduced an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) integrated system and started generating barcoded order documents for swift dissemination to workers. This allowed for systematic collection, analysis, and management of all production site information, enabling more efficient operations. Additionally, by implementing smart factories, the company minimized inventory levels on the production floor, reduced defect rates, and achieved significant productivity improvements, leading to cost savings in labor expenses. The introduction of these smart factories not only enhanced the company's competitiveness but also provided superior services to consumers. It established a modern and efficient production system, creating expectations for even higher achievements in the future industrial market. This move is anticipated to contribute to the company's ability to excel in the evolving industry landscape while offering exceptional services to customers and building a state-of-the-art and efficient production system for greater success in the future industrial market.
   18-4-13.pdf (3.0M) [18] DATE : 2023-09-03 14:56:20