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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.4] The Priority Analysis of the Universal Design Street Applying the Borich Needs and Locus for Focus Model - For Visitors and Commercial Residents of the UD Street in Suncheon
논문투고자 Jeong-Lee, Seung-Jun Lim, Hyeon-Bin Na
논문내용 Suncheon-city created the first universal design street pilot project in the original city center in connection with the new city hall (planned to be completed in 2025) that applied universal design. This study evaluated the priority analysis of universal design streets applied Borich needs and the Locus for Focus Model for visitors and commercial residents of the UD street. First, as a result of demographic characteristics analysis, visitors had a high proportion of young people (20s and 30s), and small-scale companion types such as individuals, lovers, and friends were high. The purpose of the visit was to have a high proportion of tourism and walking passage way, and the stay time was within one to two hours, showing the form of a brief stay. The prior recognition of the UD street was evaluated very low (70%), but the evaluation of revisit was very high (89.6%). The proportion of commercial residents was high among women, and 20s~40s accounted for 74.7% of the total. In the perception analysis of the UD pilot project, landscape improvement was the most positive factor, while safety was most negative factor. Second, as a result of the importance-satisfaction, both visitors and commercial residents evaluated satisfaction as lower than the importance. Visitors and commercial residents commonly evaluated the important of ‘safety’ and ‘cognition’ items was high, while the satisfaction of the ‘safety’ items was the lowest. In addition, the ‘accessibility’ item according to the location in the city center and the ‘attractive’ item due to the improvement of the landscape were evaluated as high satisfaction. Third, as a result of Borich needs and the Locus for Focus Model, visitors and commercial residents commonly showed ‘safety’ as the top priority (HH area), and the next priority (LH area) was ‘cognition’. These results are interpreted as the most urgent to find active measures for ‘safety’ and ‘cognition’ on the UD street in Suncheon.
   18-4-10.pdf (780.3K) [6] DATE : 2023-09-03 14:47:56