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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.4] Improvement of the Behavior Detection Officer System and Utilization as a Special Judicial Police Officer
논문투고자 Jehwan Song, Je-hyung Jeon, Howon Hwang
논문내용 The risk of various illegal acts of unlawful interference, such as terrorism, has gradually increased, and it is difficult to proactively respond to sophisticated aviation terrorism. Therefore, it is necessary to establish proactive countermeasures that can detect and actively suppress terrorism before it develops and causes damage to human life and facilities. In response to this trend, the international aviation community, including ICAO, has introduced passenger profiling system using behaviour detection techniques as a precautionary program to minimize aviation security risks. Through the behaviour detection system that efficiently selects potential threat passengers in advance by analyzing the physical and psychological characteristics of terrorists, limited security resources can be effectively utilized and the preventive security management system can be strengthened. Accordingly, the behaviour detection system was welcomed and implemented in many countries. The Republic of Korea has also introduced and operated the behavior detection system starting with Incheon International Airport in 2019. However, it is difficult to effectively implement the system due to the lack of legal grounds and operating system for behaviour detection officers, who have the status of private individuals under the current legal system, to actively carry out their duties. In this regard, this research analyzed the current legal system of behaviour detection officers and suggested ways to improve the operational system of the behavior detection officers by utilizing them as special judicial police officers.
   18-4-05.pdf (580.2K) [5] DATE : 2023-09-03 14:40:33