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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.3] The Effect of Individual Cultural Values ​​on the Relationship Between Task Conflict and Relationship Conflict among Flight Crews: Focusing on Power Distance and Uncertainty Avoidance
논문투고자 Dong-sik Lee, Jong-hyeon Ryu
논문내용 In this study, we tried to examine how task conflict and relationship conflict that may occur during flight of civil aviation pilots affect pilots' work performance. In addition, we tried to confirm how the individual cultural values of each flight attendant intervene and influence in the relationship of influence of such conflict. As a result of the study, the result was derived that task conflict had a statistically significant effect on relationship conflict (∆R2 = .544, p < .001). As a result of examining the moderating effect of individual cultural values in the relationship between task conflict and relational conflict, power distance showed a statistically significant moderating effect (β = .056, p < .05) in the relationship between task conflict and relationship conflict, and task conflict As for the interaction effect between power distance and task conflict, when the power distance was high, task conflict and relationship conflict had a statistically significant positive effect, but when the power distance was low, the effect of task conflict on relationship conflict was not statistically significant. In addition, the moderating effect of uncertainty avoidance (β = -.071, p < .05) in the relationship between task conflict and relationship conflict showed a statistically significant result, and the interaction effect of task conflict and uncertainty avoidance was found to be higher when uncertainty avoidance was high. Task conflict and relationship conflict showed statistically significant negative effects, and when uncertainty avoidance was low, the effect of task conflict on relationship conflict was not statistically significant.
   18-3-15.pdf (738.3K) [7] DATE : 2023-07-02 12:25:04