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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.3] A Study on the Application of VR Technology for Education and Training of the Remains Excavation Team
논문투고자 Sanghoon Jung, Inbin Choi, Chool Ryu, Hoekyung Jung
논문내용 After the excavation and investigation of the remains of the Ministry of National Defense, it is important to discriminate the identities of allies in the identification stage. The most important thing in the remains excavation investigation is to properly classify and find the bone fragments, and to fully excavate the remains. Proper classification and identification of bone fragments is possible only when field investigation experiences are accumulated along with an understanding of bones, and complete excavation of remains is also possible only when accurately recognizing the shape of bones based on physical anthropology. Therefore, in this paper, we try to establish a VR technique as a test bed that can properly identify bone fragments and investigate the shape of intact remains. Based on the excavation method of the remains excavation team, the method of distinguishing bones and the VR technique for excavation investigation will be configured in detail to conduct research. At the same time as this study is being conducted, the completed test bed is tested on actual remains excavators. Through this, it is judged that it will be able to confirm the thoughts of soldiers on the field and apply it to the advancement of VR contents for excavation of remains that can be done in the future.
   18-3-13.pdf (2.5M) [6] DATE : 2023-07-02 12:23:04