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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.3] An Intelligent Items Recommendation Method on Customer’s Circulation – Convenience Store lunchbox Use –
논문투고자 Jin-Il Kim
논문내용 Recently, with the development of intelligent information technology, services that reflect consumers' needs in more detail are in the limelight. The importance of these services is increasing as buyers reduce the time to search for their desired products and sellers recommend products according to individual preferences, which has a positive effect on increasing profits. However, most of these studies have a disadvantage in that they only consider buyers' preferences, buyer-product similarity, and buyer's static location, and cannot provide information in advance through changes in the purchasing environment and future demand forecasts. Therefore, In this paper, we propose an intelligent product recommendation technique to solve the problems and provide a lunchbox with a higher chance of purchase in real-time by predicting the buyer's expected movement. The proposed system predicts the purchaser's route and changes in the lunchbox at their current location, and recommends lunchboxes from a convenience store that is highly likely to be visited at a specific time. Through the evaluation, the proposed system was found to recommend lunchboxes accurately without errors with an accuracy rate of over 0.9, making it commercially viable.
   18-3-11.pdf (607.2K) [5] DATE : 2023-07-02 12:20:11