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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.3] A Study on High-Concentration Ginsenoside Extraction from White Ginseng
논문투고자 Young-Jik Ahn, Junwon Lee, Shin-Young Park
논문내용 Ginsenoside is one of the main physiologically active substances in ginseng and is known to have antioxidant and immune enhancing effects. Therefore, it is essential to study the efficacy verification of ginsenoside as a medicinal treatment, and it is necessary to develop a new manufacturing method that improves efficacy by changing ginseng components according to processing conditions. In this study, we extracted high-concentration ginsenoside concentrate from ginseng processed by microwave using HP-20 ioninc resin column. After extraction, the mixture was filtered using a filter cartridge and filter paper, concentrated with a rotary evaporator, and dried. Each extract was subjected to HPLC analysis at a concentration of 10 mg/ml. We found that insoluble components of ginseng were removed from this ginsenoside concentrate. Among the various alcohol concentrations (10%, 30%, 50% and 80%), ginsenosides were most abundant in 80% alcohol. In addition, when compared with general red ginseng, the extract of 80% alcohol contains a small amount of polysaccharide components that are difficult to manufacture and separate. Moreover, we showed that ginsenosides Rb2 and Rb3 were more than twice as much in extracts using microwave compared to normal steamed red ginseng. Therefore, this ginsenoside concentrate has various physiologically active functions. Taken together, this study suggest a new direction for developing excellent ginseng therapeutics through efficient production of ginsenoside derived from processed ginseng.
   18-3-09.pdf (868.7K) [3] DATE : 2023-07-02 12:18:10