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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.3] A Study on the Data Platform for Realizing Data Management
논문투고자 Jaean Jeong, Yongkwan Mun, Hanjung Kim, Hoekyung Jung
논문내용 The triggering of the 4th industrial revolution goes beyond the area of office automation, which is information system construction and operation management based on information infrastructure, which has been the axis of traditional informatization. In addition, it is breaking away from the traditional work framework by utilizing data-based AI services, big data analysis services, digital convergence services, and platform businesses. Accordingly, another axis of digital transformation was formed, in which the company's organizational culture was further innovated through bold innovation in processes and services. Accordingly, companies recognize data as a key factor that determines corporate competitiveness and make various efforts to realize data management, but the level of comprehensive data management and utilization at the corporate level is low. The main reason for this phenomenon is that it is not easy and time-consuming to successfully establish data governance for data management and utilization areas required for data management in enterprises. In this paper, requirements for data standards, metadata management, data flow management, and data quality management were derived, and various user opinions on data access and utilization were collected. Based on these, a data platform was designed and developed. Through pilot operation of the developed data platform, the functional integrity of the data platform was confirmed, and based on users' opinions, areas requiring functional improvement and directions for expanding the data platform were presented.
   18-3-06.pdf (915.0K) [1] DATE : 2023-07-02 12:14:43