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발간년도 : [2014]

논문명(한글) [Vol.9, No.5] The Development of a Computer Based ICT Ethics Learning System Applying a Storytelling Learning Model
논문투고자 Jaemu Lee, Hee-Soon Lee
논문내용 This study has developed a learning system based on a storytelling model for information ethics education. The developed system has been applied to learners and the learning effects have been analyzed. A computer-based learning system applying a learning model whose learning effect has been approved by scholars would be able to enhance student learning effects. This study has therefore redefined the storytelling learning model to make the education of elementary school students in information communication ethics more efficient. To do this, we have developed a learning system and have analyzed its learning effect by applying it to elementary information communication ethics education. The results indicate that the learning process of the storytelling learning model has a positive effect on both cognitive and affective domain learning. In particular, self-regulated learning could be realized in the stage of the storytelling model.
   2014-9-5-01.pdf (3.6M) [0] DATE : 2015-01-25 11:01:57