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발간년도 : [2014]

논문명(한글) [Vol.9, No.4] Measurement Development for Information Privacy Concerns in Organizational Level : Focused on the University
논문투고자 Moon-Seok Kang, Young-Soo Chung
논문내용 Because of the Age of Information has matured, with the explosion of digital data and an extension of using the Internet, the massive data processing has done quickly and accurately. Along with the rapid growth of information, the personal informations are accumulating indiscriminately. By this reason, illegal use of personal information and inappropriate access, and misusing of the privacy has occurred. Personal information protect problems are important information management issues that was raised by individuals as well as organizations consistently. In these times changing situation, this study develops empirical measurement tools based on the researches of the management level in accordance of concern for university information privacy. By seizing the concerning on the personal information protect management in University organization that used the developed measurement tool, it provides the role that can be utilized in extended researches cope with the management effectively from now on.
   2014-9-4-08.pdf (2.5M) [2] DATE : 2015-01-25 10:50:32