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발간년도 : [2014]

논문명(한글) [Vol.9, No.4] Reduced Complexity Detection Algorithm for Spatial Modulation
논문투고자 Jaekwon Bang, Sang Kyu Park, Kwangmin Hyun
논문내용 In this paper, we propose a novel detection algorithm for SM (Spatial Modulation) system to reduce the receiver complexity while achieving a near maximum likelihood (ML) performance. ML detection is known to achieve an optimal performance for SM system. However, the high computational complexity still remains as a problem to be solved in case of using the large number of antennas or high modulation order. The proposed detection algorithm reduces the number of possible candidates for ML detection to avoid exhaustive works. We compare the proposed algorithm and conventional algorithms both in terms of bit error rate (BER) and computational complexity. Simulation results show that the proposed detection algorithm substantially reduce computational complexity and achieves the better BER performance than the conventional algorithms even though the number of candidates is decreased.
   2014-9-4-05.pdf (2.2M) [0] DATE : 2015-01-25 10:49:18