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발간년도 : [2014]

논문명(한글) [Vol.9, No.2] The Analysis of Characteristics and the Design of the Small Antenna with the Improved Bandwidth for Global Location Satellite Signal Receiving
논문투고자 Jae-Yeon Choi
논문내용 In this paper, the rectangular microstrip patch antenna for receiving global location satellite signal is designed, and its performance and characteristics are analyzed. The antenna is composed of a squared patch antenna mounted on the substrate with the ground plane. The patch antenna is designed to match the frequency of the global location satellite signal. Right-handed circularly polarized wave will be radiated. For the simple fabrication, microstrip line feeding is selected. Using the antenna simulation tool, we can get the analytic results of reflection coefficient, VSWR and radiation pattern and then they will be compared to the measured results.
   2014-9-2-11.pdf (2.2M) [1] DATE : 2015-01-24 18:27:49