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발간년도 : [2014]

논문명(한글) [Vol.9, No.1] Analysis of Contributing Factors for the Adult-child Group Discriminant in College Students
논문투고자 Hee-Ryong Park, Myong-Suk Yang
논문내용 This study was used as an indicator of college students psychological adjustment factors in the adult-child(anxiety, relationships, emotional management, and accountability) of the cluster to determine the classification and classification based on the collective ego factor is appropriate to verify the status of an adult-child characteristics for a college students counseling will help. To this end, a total of 119
college students in Gyeong-buk patients conducted cluster analysis results were divided into two clusters. 5 kinds of ego-status factors that determine the relative influence of each cluster to evaluate the results of stepwise discriminant analysis conducted, the one derived discriminant function was derived discriminant function was statistically significant. In particular, the 5 kinds of ego-status factor AC(adapted child), two adult child to determine the best variables to determine which groups were, NP(nurturing parent), CP(controlling parent) was affected by the following. Overall hit rate of the classification groups was 78.2% and hit rate of the cluster-1 was 80.6% and hit ratio of the cluster-2 was 75.4%, a group were correctly classified. Finally, the five ego-states transactional analysis(TA) of the factors that predict the college students adult-child characteristics most useful as a tool to determine the factors that AC was verified.
   2014-9-1-14.pdf (3.9M) [0] DATE : 2015-01-24 13:25:10