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발간년도 : [2014]

논문명(한글) [Vol.9, No.1] Design for Improve Traffic Reliability in Overlay Multicast Networks
논문투고자 Chung-Ryeon Kim, Sung-Uk Choi
논문내용 As for overlay multicast which provides media streaming, it should cope with dynamic changes in nodes rapidly, and requires methods for error-recovery that take into data bandwidth that each node can process and time during which the node stay on the system. Therefore, this paper uses the characteristics of Bandwidth-Ordered Tree and Time-Ordered Tree for constructing a stable tree in a dynamic environment, and suggests Stay-Time Tree that has Stay Index for efficient error recovery. This algorithm is a method that forms the recovery group, considering the characteristics and time during which each of nodes stays on the system, so that it may be applied to wire & wireless P2P network in an integrated manner. It was found that recovery using this method improved communication reliability about 20%, compared to the existing method.
   2014-9-1-11.pdf (4.1M) [0] DATE : 2015-01-24 13:24:01