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발간년도 : [2014]

논문명(한글) [Vol.9, No.1] Distribution Management Information System for Activating
논문투고자 Worl-Bong Song
논문내용 For the activating of remanufacturing industry which automobile disjoint parts are raw materials , This paper is proposed Distribution Management Information System that is able to adaptable in the base information management for the reusing of used automobile parts, the automobile disjoint management and the automobile parts distribution management. This system is presented the guide line of automobile parts management and reusable parts disjoint of used automobiles which are connected with history of reusable used parts, quality level and guaranty, and the necessity which build up jointed distribution center between automobile disjoint industry and automobile repair industry and introduce certification system for raising the confidence in the remanufacturing parts. From now on, This proposed system is expected which contribute in the green growth socially and get raising the confidence of remanufacturing parts for user and in the position of enterprise, get raising the commercial competitive power from decreasing over-head in the process of business action and distribution.
   2014-9-1-07.pdf (4.3M) [3] DATE : 2015-01-24 13:21:54