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발간년도 : [2014]

논문명(한글) [Vol.9, No.1] An Empirical Study on the Discontinuance Intention of Smart Device in Post Adoption Context
논문투고자 Hong-Sun Lee, Sang-Joon Lee
논문내용 As widespread use of smart devices, positive changes in our society with also negative phenomena are emerging. In particular, Technostress symptoms are being intensified, and addiction and withdrawal symptoms are being appeared by using state of the art devices such as smartphones. So now these issues are becoming social issues. The temporary suspension issues such as digital detox, Anti-digital for smart devices have been recently emerged regard this. To reflect this phenomenon, this paper was studied based on previous studies of technology acceptance such as theory of reasoned action, technology acceptance model, and theory of innovation resistance. The purpose of this paper is to study the digital break which is temporarily suspend intention after the user acceptance of smart devices. As the result, we verified that perceived risk which is the most important variable in the innovation adoption research is also the most influential variable to the digital break. We found technostress and digital detox are significant variables to impact on the perceived risk.
   2014-9-1-02.pdf (3.1M) [1] DATE : 2015-01-23 23:23:53