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발간년도 : [2014]

논문명(한글) [Vol.9, No.5] Develope the Assessment Items and Evaluation Matrix of Task Performance Evaluation of Multimedia Audio Editing Software for the Visually Impaired
논문투고자 Inhee Suh, Jae-Woong Kim
논문내용 The purpose of using multimedia application software SF10 is sound editing. SF10 is a sound editing software made by sony corp.. It is very good software for the visually impaired person to get a job in the multimedia industry specially sound creating area because the companies in this area are always looking for the engineer who can get the good sensibility of sound and can operate the sound editing software very skillful. It is common known visually impaired person has good sensibility of sound so they can catch the noise better and can adjust the sound more precisely than not visually impaired person. Sound editing with SF10 is a creative task that requirers not only operator’s artistic expression for the sound but also the ability to combinate many editing tools. Thus, assessment items of task performance evaluation of SF10 must consist of ‘creative task commands’. Creative task means a complex operation that uses a combination of various tools and selects the variables to achieve goals whereas simple tasks are working with one command. In this study, assessment items are developed by extracting the complex task commands of SF10 and evaluation matrix of task performance evaluation is developed for the visually Impaired. The result of this test is an indicator of the usability of the program. On the other hand it will helpful not only to design the education program to improve the proficiency of program for the visually impaired but also to set the working range of the visually impaired.
   2014-9-5-11.pdf (1.9M) [0] DATE : 2015-01-25 11:06:45