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발간년도 : [2014]

논문명(한글) [Vol.9, No.5] User Tolerance on Switching Performance of Touchscreen Interfaces in Smart Devices
논문투고자 JaeMyung Lee, Ju-Hwan Lee
논문내용 The present study has tried to find out the users’ tolerance levels when they use touchscreen swipe interaction on the conditions of content type, screen size, and stability situations. For this purpose the present study was conducted in the two experimental settings: the user tolerance levels with three screen sizes(4, 7, 10 inch) and three content types(text, image, home-screen) were measured in the sitting condition and the walking condition. Five levels of screen switching performance from 0.1 sec to 0.5 sec was designed and picked which setting the participants felt uncomfortable to use. As the result, most of participants generally noticed the difference of screen switching lag by their touch input from about 0.3 sec. To each independent variables, the participants showed the tolerance levels go higher when more text information is in content and the display is bigger. For the feature of smart devices, many users are frequently used in the walking situation. We checked if there is difference between the sitting and walking conditions. In the comparison, when they were walking the tolerance levels were higher.
   2014-9-5-08.pdf (2.7M) [1] DATE : 2015-01-25 11:05:19