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발간년도 : [2014]

논문명(한글) [Vol.9, No.5] QoE Analysis based on Inverse Filtering For Video Quality Assessment
논문투고자 Yogiraj S. Jadhav, Jungdae Kim, Jinsul Kim
논문내용 The quality of experience (QoE) can assess the video quality with the service parameters and their relative importance at the network layer. The service providers are also examining the level of multimedia service quality to a particular aspect hence, internet service provider is also willing to provide all the services through a single line. Considering the above facts the factors associated with the user perceived experiences are responsible for the development of such digital systems, For analyzing the user perceived experience the QoE parameters play an important role. In this paper, considering QoE factor we have determined an approach that helps to estimate the user’s QoE, which uses a full reference model. This method uses an image restoration technique like inverse filtering, which improves the overall appearance of the video. It also helps to evaluate factors that measure the video quality effectively.
   2014-9-5-06.pdf (2.8M) [0] DATE : 2015-01-25 11:04:30