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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.6] A Study on the Effects of Density of Objects on Reality in Virtual Space
논문투고자 Min-hee Hong, Ha-young Yoon, Tae-Gyun Kim
논문내용 In this study, the virtual reality display Head Mounted Display (HMD) is used to measure the effectof the density of surrounding objects on the change in height based on the subject's point of view invirtual space to find out the degree of reality of the subject. An HMD was worn and tested to see howchanges in the density and height of objects placed around the virtual space affect the sense of reality.First, as a way to maximize reality in virtual space, we focused on changes in the surrounding densityand building height of the building. To this end, virtual space content was built with Autodesk 3dsMax(3D program). Second, an experiment was conducted by presenting virtual space content to subjects withHMD's Oculus Rift VR (Oculus Rift), which can be represented by a virtual reality display. Third,SPSS was used to interpret the experimental results, and post-test and in-depth interviews of simplemain effects and simple interactions of ANOVA were conducted. In addition, a sub-test was conductedto investigate the significance of each factor. As a result of the experiment, the differences betweenconditions were all significant in terms of (low density, medium density, and high density according tothe change in the ambient density of the building. In addition, the average score was higher than thebasic conditions according to the change in height. Based on the results of this study, it is expectedthat virtual reality as well as metaverse environments can be constructed graphically and used to expressa maximized sense of reality when providing an experience environment to users.
   18-6-36.pdf (1.6M) [14] DATE : 2024-01-03 08:33:24