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발간년도 : [2008]

논문명(한글) [3권2호] A Design of The Secure Healthcare System for Medical devices in USN
논문투고자 Soo-Chul Lee, Se-Yul Lee
논문내용 The introduction of wireless information technology gives rise to new mobile services in all kinds of areas of out daily life. Mobile healthcare system is a production of composite ICT (Information and Communication Technology) which focused on signal sensing, processing, and communication in wireless environment. The mobile and wireless revolution promises not only expanded access to patient health information, but also improved patient care. In this paper, we describe a surrogate host based mobile healthcare information system which utilized Grid computing for real-time ECG signal processing. The surrogate host provides seamless interface between mobile device and Medical Grid portal. The security extension of GSI (Grid Security Infrastructure) allows mobile users to access Grid portal in a secure and convenient manner. The presented system architecture can be used as a secure enterprise mobile healthcare system for hospital physicians.
   3-2-03.pdf (1.5M) [1] DATE : 2019-07-13 15:55:18