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발간년도 : [2024]

논문명(한글) [Vol.19, No.1] A Study on the Development of BACnet-based System Control Application Using RTU Terminal
논문투고자 Sun-Young Bae, Jea-Suk Song
논문내용 Recently, as urbanization progresses rapidly, smart city is emerging as an alternative to solve various urban problems such as rapid increase of energy consumption, traffic congestion, various infrastructure aging, etc., and various smart building systems are being developed in smart city related fields. The smart building system is one of the representative construction IT convergence technologies and has brought many changes in building management, efficiency and convenience. In this paper, we developed an application for device setting and control from the upper system using RTU terminal based on BACnet which is the standard of building automation and control. In order to enable smooth communication between the upper system, RTU terminal, and application, we tested whether the data collection and device setting and control commands work well and confirmed normal operation in a well-controlled simulation environment. In this environment, it is assumed that RTU terminal and its command line acts as off the shelf BACnet gateway and the upper system, respectively. Future research is expected to improve the accuracy of commands as well as the operation of various combinations of RTU terminals in real world scenario, so that the advantages of the application developed by complementing the limitations can be efficiently managed and further research is expected to enable analytical diagnosis for smooth communication for remote control
   19-1-20.pdf (1.3M) [22] DATE : 2024-02-29 14:24:53