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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.3] Design and Implementation of a Clinical Decision Support System for Supporting Allergy Diagnosis and Treatment Decision Making for Pediatricians
논문투고자 Soo-Gyeong Shin, Kang-Hee Lee
논문내용 As the low birthrate problem intensifies in South Korea, the number of applicants hoping to become pediatricians is decreasing. This has led to a shortage of pediatricians, which is becoming a serious social problem, and is particularly burdensome for parents of young children living in rural areas who have to visit big cities for medical treatment. In this paper, I designed and implemented a knowledge-based Clinical Decision Support System[CDSS] to improve the efficiency of allergy diagnosis and subsequent treatment decisions in pediatrics. A CDSS is a system that assists medical professionals, such as doctors and nurses, in making decisions when diagnosing and treating patients. I implemented the system by combining rule-based expert systems with domain knowledge data provided by the Allergy Center in the Netherlands. I also developed an interface for the system, taking into account the work environment of medical professionals, which can be accessed via an Android application and the web by using Flutter. In addition, I conducted a survey of 19 medical professionals to validate the effectiveness of the system. I expect that this paper will increase the  consistency of medical decision-making and the speed of the diagnosis process and reduce input errors that occur during the diagnosis process.
   18-3-03.pdf (1.8M) [3] DATE : 2023-07-02 10:35:10