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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.2] Varifocal Lens Based Electroactive Polymer and a Dashboard Camera System
논문투고자 Sang-Youn Kim, Seongho Kim, YongHae Heo, Sungryul Yun, Kyeong-bog Jin
논문내용 In this paper, we present a dash camera module which can capture objects that are not only close but also further away from a driver. To freely change the focal lengh, a varifocal lens is used. This varifocal lens is fabricated by polydimethyl siloxane (PDMS) which is one of the most famous electroactive polymers. PDMS is sandwiched between two compliance electrodes, and the lens is attached to the middle of the PDMS. The applied voltage to the compliance electrode makes PDMS compress in thickness direction and stretch in plane direction. This phenomenon causes the PDMS to buckle, resulting in changing focal point of the varifocal lens. The proposed dash camera module consists of an image sensor, a varifocal lens, a controller, and an accelerometer. A global shutter and external trigger methods are used to minimize the distortion of target images. The varifocal lens is fabricated by an electroactive polymer and changes its shape to control the focal point. The proposed dash camera takes turns to obtain two images (one is close image from a driver and the other is one further away from a driver). Moreover, an accelerometer is embedded into the propose dash camera module to response external impact.
   18-2-20.pdf (630.8K) [35] DATE : 2023-05-04 16:28:25